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Administrative and functional analysis of library studies center of the assemblies of god theological Paraíba (CETAD / PB): proposal for restructuring
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Library – Theology
Organization of libraries

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SANTOS, Jussara Ventura; SILVA, Patrícia Maria. Administrative and functional analysis of library studies center of the assemblies of god theological Paraíba (CETAD / PB): proposal for restructuring. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 10, n. 2, p. 127–144, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v10i1.1900. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The organization, management and planning of an information unit comprises several steps and

involves the processes and techniques of field research professional librarian. In this study we intend 

to build a proposed restructuring of the Library of Theological Studies Centre of the Assemblies of

God in Paraiba - CETAD / PB. And specifically: defining a system of organization that leads to the

collection for client autonomy in the process of search and retrieval of information, indicate a library

management software that serves the needs of the unit of information, to know the target audience,

from user tool to study in order to adapt the technology tools used; organize a guide to assist the

restructuring process and propose measures to control the operation of the library CETAD / PB. The

methodology uses a qualitative research approach, with features of a descriptive and exploratory. The

document review and bibliographic updates the researcher in all that was produced on the subject.

Adopts the field research, to learn and refine the universe of research that has been the Center for

Theological Studies from Assemblies of God in CETAD Paraiba / PB, as well as the research subjects,

or students of the institution. The data collection instrument used was a questionnaire. To represent

the data draws on statistical techniques and resources of quantitative research. With analysis of the

data reveals the profile of its users, notes the same dissatisfaction with respect to organization of the

collection, as well as technology tools which fit that profile steps to improve the treatment and

dissemination of informational media, but also in customer support services. Highlights the

information professional as a manager in information units, with performance that goes beyond the

traditional techniques and procedures of the profession.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2012 Jussara Ventura Santos, Patrícia Maria Silva


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