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Searching for a pedagogy of emancipation to the sustainable information literacy education
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Information literacy
Emancipation pedagogy
Pedagogical mediation
Freirean approach
Communicative action.

How to Cite

DUDZIAK, Elisabeth Adriana. Searching for a pedagogy of emancipation to the sustainable information literacy education. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 9, n. 2, p. 166–183, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v9i1.1925. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Abstract The research project Info-Media Literacy in Higher Education (CIMES), still not concluded, allows now to present only partial results. Based on the international study field internationally recognized as IML (Information and Media Literacy), the project aims to deploy CIMES an Interactive Educational System for Promotion of Information and Media Literacy for Higher Education Students of Brazilian public universities. Considering the magnitude of the project, various aspects have been developed, translated into sub-projects that have been implemented gradually, with different actors’ collaboration. One of these sub-projects is about the concept information literacy education and teaching-learning-assessment definition. The aim of this article is not to describe the project. The purpose is to propose a reflection about different possible pedagogical assumptions to be used in information literacy education process. Based on literature review done so far, preliminary results show that there are different conceptions of pedagogy and appropriation of information competence, whose determine different types and action and intervention levels in teaching-learning-evaluation processes and its results. The teaching of information competence, at its highest level, leads to the emancipation of the student as a information user and producer. Defined as a dialectical phenomenon, the pedagogy of emancipation is built continuously by a recursive dialogue between man and reality, between subject and society, between medium and message. The proposal of this paper is to advance The proposal is to advance in the discussion about the pedagogical model to be adopted and, through them, consider the desing of the educational process as a whole.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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Copyright (c) 2011 Elisabeth Adriana Dudziak


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