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The acting librarian at university libraries in the xxi century
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University library. Information technology. Information explosion. Librarian. Professional competence.

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SANTA ANNA, Jorge; CALMON, Maria Aparecida de Mesquita. The acting librarian at university libraries in the xxi century: the need to adapt to the modern information professional (MIP). RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 1, p. 49–67, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v14i1.2127. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The diversity in the provision of services and products is one of the most striking features of the university libraries (BU). This diversity expands constantly, especially with the increasing use of new technologies and the accumulation of information generated, what did trigger the need to expand the skills and characteristics of professionals working in these units of information. To accompany these changes, librarians need to acquire new skills, adapting to an innovative professional, categorized as Modern Information Professional ( MIP ) profile. Therefore, this study aims to present the characteristics and skills of librarians active in BU, relating them to the MIP profile. To this end, the article discusses, based on the literature, the context in which are located the BUs as well as the main activities provided, and the skills necessary for librarians to be considered MIP. Finally, a study was conducted in a BU A questionnaire was administered to 15 librarians in order to investigate their skills. After analyzing and comparing the knowledge of these subjects with the MIP, it is concluded that the MIP skills are practiced by librarians who work at BU, being necessary a priori investment in continuing education. This training is practiced by professionals in different ways, and also made possible by the information unit , health professionals should promote itself this need and desire for constant improvement, with a view to consolidating the continuous improvement of services in these units of information.
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