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The role of community library in construction of human rights
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Caranguejo Tabaiares Communitiy Library. Human rights. Non-formal education. Literature. Mediation.

How to Cite

SALCEDO, Diego Andres; ALVES, Mariana. The role of community library in construction of human rights. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 13, n. 3, p. 561–578, 2015. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v13i3.8635770. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


Assumes that the community library, named here as non-formal education institution, seeks to emancipate individuals from the community in which it operates, with practices that promote human rights. For this, promotes and provides access to books, literature and creates conditions and practices in reading mediation. For purposes of research, then, was made an exploratory qualitative work, divided into three stages: literature review, observation and interview. The research was focused at the Crab Tabaiares Community Library, located in a slum neighborhood at Recife. Found that the literature reading activities provided literacy of children; written appropriation by the residents and mediators; social and environmental awareness; contact with the French foreign language and cultural aspects of France. Verified that this type of social activity creates the conditions for emancipation and professionalization of the mediators involved. Concluded that not only is remarkable the perseverance in the face of economic and social difficulties or belief in militancy of reading taste and emergency affections, but particularly it is a collective action on behalf of Human Rights.
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