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Technical-scientific production of São Paulo federal institute librarians: a neo-bibliometric study
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Scientific Publications. Librarians. São Paulo Federal Institute. Bibliometrics.

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SANTOS, Cintia Almeida da Silva; PONTES, Fernanda Rodrigues. Technical-scientific production of São Paulo federal institute librarians: a neo-bibliometric study. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 1, p. 14–36, 2017. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v15i1.8646093. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


Libraries and librarians-documentalists of São Paulo Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFSP) have been studied in scientific researches, but no identified that would raise and map scientific production of such professionals has been conducted yet. The present study aimed to map and analyze the technical-scientific production of librarians-documentalists of the referred institution. The methodological course consisted of conducting theoretical and empirical research, in which the neo-bibliometric approach was prioritized. Then, the tools of Bibliometrics were associated with the application of questionnaire to the professionals of the institution. The results pointed out that most of IFSP professionals: are female; have higher qualification to the one required for the performance of their duties; have some technical-scientific publications; consider important the development of technical-scientific publications, as well as the creation of media and events. However, the authors suggest some ways to strengthen the visibility of the professional area: incentive to increase technical-scientific publications; incentive to the creation and updating of the curriculum lattes; incentive to publications in tandem, since some professionals research similar themes; stimulus to the participation in events and technical-scientific publications. The conclusion of this paper points out that IFSP librarians-documentalists produce technical-scientific publications, but they may produce them more as it contributes to the development and improvement of their professional area. It also draws closer institutional relations among campuses, favors the search for solutions to the problems faced by professionals, as well as highlights their campuses and libraries in national and international technical-scientific scenario.Libraries and librarians-documentalists of São Paulo Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFSP) have been studied in scientific researches, but no identified that would raise and map scientific production of such professionals has been conducted yet. The present study aimed to map and analyze the technical-scientific production of librarians-documentalists of the referred institution. The methodological course consisted of conducting theoretical and empirical research, in which the neo-bibliometric approach was prioritized. Then, the tools of Bibliometrics were associated with the application of questionnaire to the professionals of the institution. The results pointed out that most of IFSP professionals: are female; have higher qualification to the one required for the performance of their duties; have some technical-scientific publications; consider important the development of technical-scientific publications, as well as the creation of media and events. However, the authors suggest some ways to strengthen the visibility of the professional area: incentive to increase technical-scientific publications; incentive to the creation and updating of the curriculum lattes; incentive to publications in tandem, since some professionals research similar themes; stimulus to the participation in events and technical-scientific publications. The conclusion of this paper points out that IFSP librarians-documentalists produce technical-scientific publications, but they may produce them more as it contributes to the development and improvement of their professional area. It also draws closer institutional relations among campuses, favors the search for solutions to the problems faced by professionals, as well as highlights their campuses and libraries in national and international technical-scientific scenario.
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