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The digital object identifier (DOI) in electronic scientific journals of communication and information
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Digital Object Identifier. Librarianship. Information Science. Scientific journalss

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PIRES, Erik André de Nazaré; PEREIRA JÚNIOR, Antônio Afonso; GIRARD, Carla Daniella Teixeira; GIRARD, Cristiane Marina Teixeira. The digital object identifier (DOI) in electronic scientific journals of communication and information. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 3, p. 533–549, 2017. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v15i3.8646260. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The present study seeks to investigate the use of the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) in the scientific journals of Communication and Information and, providing new integration utilities with the Lattes Platform. In this sense, it aims to inform the existing titles in Communication Information in electronic format, demonstrate the importance of DOI in the integration with the Lattes Platform in order to guarantee author credibility and analyze the characteristics of publications that have DOI. The methodology used for the development of this study is bibliographic, research with descriptive-descriptive characteristics. From the development of the research, it is inferred that of all the analyzed journals (33 journals), 10 titles in the evaluation of 2013 and 06 titles of the evaluation of 2014 present DOI in their publications, all have WebQualis classification, Qualis A1 in the area Communication and Information. Most publications are international and only 3 titles are national. It is necessary that journals, principally national ones, accompany new technologies such as DOI for objects and ORCID for the identification of people, bringing more mechanisms that guarantee authors 'credibility and to bring the researchers' connection, and both can already be adopted in the Platform Lattes.
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