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Proposal plan of classification faceted for federal universities
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Faceted classification. Classification plan. Records management. Document managment.

How to Cite

BRANDÃO, Renata Santos; SILVA, Marcel Ferrante. Proposal plan of classification faceted for federal universities. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 16, n. 1, p. 104–118, 2017. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v16i1.8646302. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This study aims to present a faceted classification plan for the archival management of documents in the federal universities of Brazil. For this, was done a literature review on the archival management in Brazil, the types of classification plans and the theory of the Ranganathan faceted classification, through searches in databases in the areas of Librarianship and Archivology. It was identified the classification plan used in the Federal Institutions of Higher Education to represent the functional facet and created the structural classification plan to represent the structural facet. The two classification plans were inserted into a digital repository management system to give rise to the faceted classification plan. The system used was Tainacan, free software wordpress-based used in digital document management. The developed faceted classification plan allows the user to choose and even combine the way to look for the information that guarantees agreater efficiency in the information retrieval.
PORTUGUES (Português (Brasil))
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XML (Português (Brasil))


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