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The virtual international authority file - VIAF and aggregation of values by authority metadata
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Virtual International Authority File – VIAF. Control authority. Metadata. Vocabularies value. Cataloging.

How to Cite

ROMANETTO, Luiza de Menezes; SANTOS, Plácida Leopoldina Ventura A. da Costa; ALVES, Rachel Cristina Vesú. The virtual international authority file - VIAF and aggregation of values by authority metadata. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 3, p. 571–590, 2017. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v15i3.8647488. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) is an international cooperation consortium, which has established cooperation between national bibliographic agencies and libraries in several parts of the world and has added value and availability of authority files in Linked Open Data. The consortium was designed based on bases, concepts and technologies established in cataloging, which due to technological limitations, have been converted through World Wide Web Consortium recommendations to publish linked data. It provides infrastructure for the exchange and sharing of authority data in Web of data, in addition to the construction of value vocabularies of high level. This study aims to present and describe the bases, concepts and technologies involved in the development of VIAF. The study was accomplished through of literature documentary and shows, as a result, the relationship between concepts of authority control, bibliographic control, linked data, among others, with the established infrastructure in VIAF. Furthermore, it shows the contributions of the consortium to the unification of the national variations in descriptions of value, through cluster formation, which provides terminological control in the values that include linguistic and cultural diversity. In conclusion, the VIAF is a democratic initiative of international cooperation and can be used as a reliable source of authority files for librarian institutions, as well as to the Linked Data community.
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