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For a cyberspace information policy: advances, perspectives and challenges
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Information policy. Cyberspace. Cyber security. Cyber society.

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VILLOTA ENRÍQUEZ, Jakeline Amparo; OGÉCIME, Mardochée; VILLOTA ENRÍQUEZ, Maribel Deicy; GONZÁLEZ VALENCIA, Heriberto. For a cyberspace information policy: advances, perspectives and challenges. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 3, p. 736–757, 2017. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v15i3.8647632. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article is to describe and analyze the policies of information in cyberspace, both global and regionally, in different directions: programs, resolutions, and projects from the information sector. Likewise, an overview of the same is presented in the Latin American and Caribbean region. Through documentary analysis of the literature related to the topic, the article is based on a review of literature raised from scientific materials such as: books, thesis papers, dissertations, texts on internet sites and articles, resolutions, projects and decrees dealing with the same topic. As a result, cyberspace is conceptualized and its elements, dimensions, strategies and variations are characterized, by analyzing the information from cyberspace policy, based on the global stage to relate it, finally, to the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, with the idea of better addressing the problems. The cyberspace information policy experience a minor and slow process in the field of cyber war; resulting from the obstacle of international cooperation defined by the disparate ambitions of the State or region.
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