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Information sources for startups
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Information souces
Scientific information.

How to Cite

SILVA, Eduardo Graziosi; COLETTA, Teresinha das Graças; LAROCCA, Ana Paula Camargo. Information sources for startups. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 17, p. e019022, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v17i0.8654715. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


The creation of startups must be accompanied by an infrastructure that guarantees their development and consolidation. The university-company approach offers such an infrastructure that provides access to scientific and technological information. This project aims at the identification of startups installed in the city of São Carlos (SP) and their demands for such information. A guide of information sources will be developed from the most used information resources identified in two studies in the Information Science area. The sources of open access and institutional access information available at the University of São Paulo will facilitate the development of startups. They will be printed to be distributed to startups, universities and other stakeholders, and electronic, to be available at institutional portals of the University of São Paulo.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
ENGLISH (Português (Brasil))


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