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Frictionless Data-based model applied to open government data
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Open data government
Frictionless data
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FAGUNDES, Melissa Figueira; RIBEIRO JUNIOR , Divino Ignácio. Frictionless Data-based model applied to open government data. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 00, p. e020034, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v18i00.8661528. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article proposes a model based on Fricitionless Data (FD) to assist in the publication of open government data (DAGs). FD is an Open Knowledge Foundation initiative that aims to remove the "friction" in working with the data, that is, when a lot of time and resources are lost to understand and work with the data. In the scope of public institutions, the absence of standards for the publication and processing of DAGs is a common problem when it comes to opening DAGs and that the study sought to contribute by applying the model to the data set with information on the good practices performed by the Judiciary related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  According to Ordinance No. 133, the integration of the SDGs with the good practices of the Judiciary can bring several benefits such as: improvement of the search engines in the Courts' Transparency Portals, in a way associated with the SDGs; assist in measuring the efficiency of the Judiciary in achieving the SDGs, among others. The model was based on the Data Publication Workflow, a flow for publishing data available on the website of the Frictionless Data initiative and that addresses steps such as packaging, processing and publishing the data. The application of the model also used open source tools based on Frictionless Data and the results showed its feasibility for opening a set of open government data.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Melissa Figueira Fagundes, Divino Ignácio Ribeiro Junior


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