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Patents and technological development in the context of open science
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Open science
Technological development

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MORANDIN, Janaina Lais Pacheco Lara; SILVA, Maurício Coelho da; MOURA, Ana Maria Mielniczuk de. Patents and technological development in the context of open science: perspectives on the influence of information secrecy and proprietary research. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 00, p. e023019, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v21i00.8673020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


Introduction: This article proposes a bibliographic review regarding the patenting of knowledge in the context of Open Science, addressing the different perspectives of the influence of informational secrecy and welcoming research. The question of how secrecy interferes with the open sharing of knowledge and what is the importance of registering patents for the development of science. Objective: It aims to point out the importance of patents in technological development, discuss the relationship between open innovation and Open Science and patents in the context of universities. It is justified by the absence of works on patents in the context of Open Science, within the scope of Brazilian information science. Methodology: The methodology adopted searched the literature for relevant subjects through searches in the BRAPCI and WoS databases. Results/Conclusion: It concludes that patents are important tools for technological development, the secrecy required by the patenting process restricts the sharing of information, proprietary research grows in the university context and proves to be relevant in research funding, so that a balance must be sought between Open Science and proprietary science.

Patents; Open Science; technological development.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Janaina Lais Pacheco Lara Morandin, Maurício Coelho da Silva, Ana Maria Mielniczuk de Moura


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