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Sustainability in the age of information and knowledge
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Systematic review

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FRANÇA, Geovana Ezequieli de; SILVA, Helena de Fátima Nunes; MENDONÇA, Andrea Torres Barros Batinga. Sustainability in the age of information and knowledge: a systematic review. RDBCI: Digital Journal of Library and Information Science, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 00, p. e024005, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v22i00.8674223. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Introduction: Debates on sustainability, Information and knowledge Management have been held in different contexts - social, economic, academic and governmental. Sustainability is seen as key to keeping the environment balanced and with available resources. From this, organizations are required by customers, investors and society to adopt good practices, in this context information and knowledge are seen as indispensable resources in efficient and effective management. Objective: This article is to investigate how academic research is discussing Sustainability in the fields of Information and Knowledge Management. Methodology: The Scopus and Web of Science databases were selected to establish the corpus of the systematic literature review. To this end, the PRISMA method was applied, with inclusion criteria being only articles published in periodicals, written in Portuguese or English and that discussed Information and Knowledge Management and Sustainability. This process resulted in 18 articles to be examined based on content analysis. Results: It was identified that research focuses on areas of civil construction and large industries in countries such as China, India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom and that information and knowledge management are seen as tools in the search for sustainability. Conclusion: The different notions of intentionality identified contribute to visualizing the attribution of values by subjects in a social and institutional context, something that helps to observe the dimensions of materiality of objects.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2024 Geovana Ezequieli de França, Helena de Fátima Nunes Silva, Andrea Torres Barros Batinga Mendonça


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