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From he aesthetics of the minimum time to the poetics of the maximum pandemic
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Minimalismus pandemicus
Politics of conversion
Poetic epistemology

How to Cite

MARTINS, José Endoença. From he aesthetics of the minimum time to the poetics of the maximum pandemic: epistemology of the minimalist minute on the social network. Filosofia e Educação, Campinas, SP, v. 12, n. 3, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/rfe.v12i3.8661732. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


The essay discusses the relationship between poetic production and the pandemic experience. It establishes the identity movement of the poetic narrator among three types of poetic production. It is an artistic triangulation between Poema Minuto, Diet Poesia and Minimalismus Pandemicus. To characterize the intervening displacement and triple artistic production, Hall (2006) uses the concepts of “mobile celebration”, Signifyin's dual vocation notions (g) and the triple dimension of Exu and Yoruba, according to Gates (1988 ), in addition to the idea of West's conversion policy (1994). The essay suggests resorting to an ethics of love that, according to West, would have the capacity to establish a poetic epistemology with a view to protecting the earth and making a better world.
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