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Amount of salt (sodium chloride) per capita used in a Public Hospital Food Service in Natal, RN, Brazil
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Sodium Chloride
Per capita
Hospital food service

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SOUSA, Bruno Jonatan de; OLIVA, Paula Angela Bessa Freitas de; BORGES, Thaís Araújo de Medeiros; COSTA, Valtêmia Porpino Gomes; MONTEIRO, Carla Cristina. Amount of salt (sodium chloride) per capita used in a Public Hospital Food Service in Natal, RN, Brazil. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Campinas, SP, v. 28, n. 00, p. e021012, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/san.v28i00.8656719. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


During 31 days, this study determined and evaluated the amount of salt (sodium chloride) per capita used in the preparation of the lunch meals in a public hospital food service in the City of Natal, RN, Brazil. The quantification of the salt was done through the weighing of the salt container in the beginning and at the end of lunch preparation. After that, the total amount found on each day was divided by the number of meals (750), and then the per capita amounts were compared to the maximum intake recomentation (5 g/day), and the maximum amount of salt estimated to be used for preparing lunch (2.5 g/day) in the food service studied, considering that this meal is planned to provide diners 50% of their caloric needs, even though the amount of salt used in the preparation of a meal does not necessarily represents the salt ingested, and plate waste should be considered as a modifying factor to salt intake. The results showed the per capita amounts of salt used for cooking lunch varied from 1.33 g to 5.87 g, and the average for the 31 days was 3.11 g. Only 14 days (45%) were under the limit line established for lunch. The lowest and highest results could be associated to cooking techniques and ingredients required in the menu. The findings of this study are important since they provide support to the implantation of a control system for the distribution of salt from the storeroom to the kitchen, as well as data to elaborate guiding material to food handlers, and also campaign material that can be used to sensitize both the food service team and dinners (employees, patients and patient companions) about the use and consumption of salt, helping to decrease the health risks associated to a high-sodium diet.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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