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Tendências como ferramenta na pesquisa estratigráfica com exemplos na sedimentação lacustrina
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CHAVES, Hernani Aquini Fernandes. Tendências como ferramenta na pesquisa estratigráfica com exemplos na sedimentação lacustrina: (texto bilíngue). Terrae Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 00, p. e022041, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/td.v18i00.8671391. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 set. 2024.


The Exploration area at Petrobras has always been concerned with training and updating its geologists in Petroleum Geology. A pioneer work from 1973 highlights the applicability of the trend analysis as a methodology for stratigraphic analysis of lacustrine sediments, with examples taken from 200 wells drilled into Aratu Stage sediments in the Recôncavo Basin. The strata mapped were subdivided into four sequences based on regional marker beds. The sequences are not isochronous, which permits demonstrating the importance of the operational definition of the chronostratigraphic unit to be studied. The undivided interval was also mapped for purposes of comparison. Fitting a trend surface to the sandstone/shale ratio expressed employing the theta transform permits the identification of areas of most probable occurrence of different facies tracts, which can then be further analyzed in terms of genetic strata increments (GSI). This identification is possible even when control is insufficient for recognizing deltaic complexes and bars.
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