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Terræ Didatica Call for papers 2023 – Chamada de trabalhos 2023

The volume 20 of Terræ Didatica, year 2024, can receive new articles


We request that maximum disclosure be given in institutions / companies, and among peers, so that the author (s) submit (s) new contributions.

The continuous publication regime has accelerated the editorial flow: as soon as a paper is accepted, the article is released immediately, without waiting for a new issue to be completed. The highly favorable conditions allow authors to be invited to submit new contributions.


The entire process of submitting and evaluating manuscripts is done electronically, exclusively in version 3 of the OJS system (Open Journal Systems):

Figures must be provided individually, in TIFF format, with a minimum resolution of 300 DPI. It is requested not to insert directly into the Portal's OJS system. They must be gathered in a zipped file and transferred to the magazine's editors through a system such as

Internet access is free at the following URL: