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Ensino, conscientização política e pós-modernismo

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ARROJO, Rosemary. Ensino, conscientização política e pós-modernismo. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 23, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 set. 2024.


The main goal of this paper is an attempt to answer a basic question: is it possible to systematize a deconstructive, postmodern perspective for the translator's task in a pedagogical model that is be universally applicable in the disciplines of translation practice offered in some of our Universities? In other words, and in more general terms, is the postmodern reflection amenable to a general systematization? As I intend to argue, the main characteristies of the reflection that is usually labelled as "postmodern" (here represented, for instance, by the work of Jean-François Lyotard) will not lead us to a pedagogical "model", but to an "anti-model", at the center of which we will find the teacher's awareness that there os no "metanarrative" to mask the struggle for power which motivates any enterprise, including the intellectual pursuit that constitutes the teaching project. From such a perspective, the main goal of any teaching project would be the desconstruction of its own strategies and motivations. Instead of merely "protecting" and "transmitting" a supposedly "neutral" and stable body of knowledge, a postmodern teacher would ttempt to expose the power struggles that underline the relationships established in the very classroom where she teaches and where her "textual authorit" is exercised. To the teacher of translation, such a pedagogy would bring the awareness that, instead of attenpting to instructteach his students in the impossible pursuit of the absolutely "correct" translation, however what he should be doing is trying to empower these students with the means to learn that which makes a translation particularly sucessful in the cultural cmmunities where they intend to be working, at the same time that he simulates them to reflect on (and to act upon) the political implications and constraints of the very profession they have chosen.

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