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Considerações sobre um caso melindroso em leitura e escrita

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PERRONI, Maria Cecília. Considerações sobre um caso melindroso em leitura e escrita. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 1, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jan. 2025.


Tests of L2 comprehension in university entrance examinations are complex, two sided tasks: the candidate must be able to read/interpret a text and also write a coherent answer to questions put about its content in his/her mother tongue. The present paper explores an unusual Portuguese construction found in a candidate's reply to a question about an English text. It is argued that the student's mistake was dueto the misunderstanding of an English phrase which has no direct correspondent in Portuguese, under these circumstances. Fillmore's concept ofperspective, or point ofview, is used to explain the mistake. It is claimed that this concept proves useful if enriched with considerations about the close relationship between pragmatic/discoursive processes and linguistic structure. The conclusions suggest that the choice of a particular lexical item or phrase depends on the author's point of view, which in tum will determine the linguistic structuring of events. Thus, the student's unusual Portuguese phrase can be explained as a result of his/her uncertainty when searching for the referent of the English phrase that was originally used.

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