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MORAES, Maria da Glória de. A CONCEPÇÃO DO SUJEITO DA LINGUAGEM EM FRANCINE CICUREL. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 25, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 fev. 2025.


This article is a critical review of Francine Cicurel’s conceptualization of the language subject. In order to develop it, two articles of the French classroom researcher (1990, 1993) are taken into consideration. One of the points sustained by Cicurel in 1990 is that types of second language classroom discourse determine a division in the roles its participants consciously perform in the situation: the social, the personal and the imaginary. In 1993, Cicurel indicates that her characterization of the classroom participants is informed by Ducrot’s polyphonical theory (1984). Given this, one would expect a significant modification in the researcher’s conceptualization of the language subject. Nevertheless, it is argued, she applies that theoretical reference not only to emphazise the presence of a conscious participant in the second language classroom, but also to illustrate the division proposed in 1990.

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