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COSTA VAL, Maria da Graça. A INTER-RELAÇÃO ORALIDADE-ESCRITA NO APRENDIZADO DA REDAÇÃO. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 29, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 dez. 2024.


This paper focuses on learning how to write texts. It is based on the assumption that in the process of construction and development of the ability to produce written texts, children use their knowledge of spoken language to interact with the new knowledge object. This tenet is taken as an accepted fact by various studies: Ferreiro & Teberosky, 1985; Soares, 1988; Smolka, 1988; Rego, 1988; Michaels, 1991, Collins & Michaels, 1991, among others. The present paper makes an analysis of one oral and one written text, produced at the beginning of the literacy process by a six-year-old girl and boy, respectively; it points out certain linguistic and textual composition resources used by the girl in her oral report in circle time at school that are also used by the boy in his written report of a story without words read with the teacher.

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