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Plurilingual social networks and the creation of hybrid cultural spaces
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English. Linguistic hybridity. Digital literacy. Identity.

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WINDLE, Joel; FERREIRA, Bárbara Bravo Pires. Plurilingual social networks and the creation of hybrid cultural spaces. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 58, n. 1, p. 139–157, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.


Although plurilingualism is a well-established topic in the international literature, especially in situations of transnational mobility, we still know little about the learning and appropriation of non-standard forms of English by young Brazilians online. Unlike the instrumental uses that predominate in formal English language teaching, digital literacy practices often focus on identity construction and expression, posing questions of race, gender, sexuality, and social status. Based on a digital ethnography of a Facebook page focused on American black popular culture, we analyze the linguistic resources and cultural references drawn upon by participants. The research seeks to understand the perspectives and online practices of young Brazilians, mobilizing theoretical resources from New Literacy Studies to understand the processes of discursive construction and resignification. The results show the importance of virtual spaces for the affirmation of subaltern identities, and at the same time the spatial restriction of some discursive expressions of identity, isolated from other educational and social environments in which the participants circulate. The article concludes by considering the implications for the democratization of foreign language learning in Brazil.
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