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A construção do conceito de coerência textual por professores em formação no semi-árido baiano
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SANTOS, Cosme Batista dos. A construção do conceito de coerência textual por professores em formação no semi-árido baiano. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 41, n. 1, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.


The focus of this article is the construction of the concept of textual coherence by mother tongue teachers in professional formation in the semi-arid region of Bahia. Specifically, the article focus the reformulation strategies of the referred concept of a divulgation scientific text, considered as the base text, 1) for the oral discourse of the training-teacher produced in a textual linguistics class for student-teachers and 2) for the comments made by two student-teacher about students written texts. At the training-teacher discourse, we observe that the concept is built basically with the help of the terms used in base text and the reformulations realized are of a explicative nature or didactic objecting the learning. At the oral comments of the alfabetizadoras-alunas, the concept is built with the help of terms typically used in the ordinary language, without the risk of contradictions or reduction of the base concept, and the reformulations realized are of an appropriative nature of the base concept in the sense that appropriating is to configure at its way.
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