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Transnational youth and the role of social and sociocultural remittances in identity construction.


Transnational youth. Socio-cultural remittances. Identity

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NÚÑEZ ASOMOZA, Alejandra. Transnational youth and the role of social and sociocultural remittances in identity construction. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 58, n. 1, p. 118–138, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Within a framework of transnationalism, and through narrative analysis using the Labovian model, this paper offers a discussion of the role of social and sociocultural remittances in the identity constuction of transnational youth pursuing tertiary education in a public university in central-north Mexico. Through the exploration of oral data from semi-structured interviews the discussion aims at providing evidence of the ties and engagement that the participants develop on both sides of the Mexico-U.S. border through the exchange of goods, values, worldviews, attitudes, practices and linguistic elements, and how these impact their personal identity construction. The data presented in this paper come from the qualitative corpora of a study currently carried out by the author as a Ph.D project at Trinity College Dublin.


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