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Traducción recíproca, deconstrucción y double bind
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OTTONI, Paulo Roberto. Traducción recíproca, deconstrucción y double bind. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 34, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


The deconstrutivist dimension proposed by Jacques Derrida allows us to see translation as a distinct language event. Differing from the post-structuralist critics, this approach calls into question, in a more comprehensive way, the linguistic-based concept of translation, both formal and structural. This dimension sets up a reflection on the distinction between the so-called mother tongue and foreign language, with the assumption that from such a difference a new role for the translator's language - that of intervention - emerges as a way of transforming and producing meaning in the language into which the text is being translated. This language event creates a kind od reciprocal translation. Adopting the deconstructivist dimension of translation, my main purpose in this paper is to reflect upon the rapport between the language involved in the translation process through the double bind. Acording to this point of view, the languages are no longer regarded as antagonic poles, but rather as complementary ones. Taking the double bind into consideration, we can thereforce review our concept of language in the translation process. This reflection means that Jacques Derrida's language (French) is always present in the translator's language and, together with this language (English) creates a sort of reciprocal translation.
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