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Revisão colaborativa de textos escritos em língua inglesa: semeando a interação

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FIGUEIREDO, Francisco José Quaresma de. Revisão colaborativa de textos escritos em língua inglesa: semeando a interação. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 39, n. 1, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.


This paper is part of my doctoral dissertation in which I investigate the effects of peer correction activities on the learning of English. Ten 5th year students who take English as a major at Universidade Federal de Goiás took part in this research. The principles of the qualitative research methods were adopted as the basis for collecting and analysing the data. In addition, quantitative analyses were also used to provide another insight into the data. This study is supported by theories about second language writing, error and correction and by sociocultural theory and theories about collaborative learning, which assume that learning is facilitated through interaction and collaboration. Taking that assumption into account. I demonstrate, through data analysis, that not only do the peer correction activities promote some improvements in the written texts, but they also make the students become more motivated and confident as they realize that they are able to help each other correct the errors in their texts. They also become more motivated as they start perceiving correcting as a way of learning and not as a kind of punishment.

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