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Language, Education and Transnationalism: An Introduction
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WINDLE, Joel Austin; O’BRIEN, Sarah. Language, Education and Transnationalism: An Introduction. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 58, n. 1, p. 1–10, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This special issue of Papers in Applied Linguistics brings together eight articles and an interview that provide a wide range of perspectives on the topic of transnationalism.  Much research in applied linguistics highlights the growing importance of globalisation and transnational mobility, but often takes these processes and their effects to be self-evident and self-explanatory (BRIGGS; MCCORMICK & WAY, 2008).  As such, this special issue addresses the ways in which transnational movements of populations, linguistic practices, ideology, knowledge and capital shape educational policies and practices related to language.  It is concerned with migration, internationalisation of educational provision, student mobility, and global communications. 

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LEEMAN, J., RABIN, L., & ROMÁN-MENDOZA, E. (2011). Identity and activism in heritage language education. The Modern Language Journal, 95(4), p. 481-495.

LILLIS, T. (2017). Resistir regímenes de evaluación en el estudio del escribir: hacia un imaginario enriquecido. Signo y pensamiento, 36(71), p. 66–81.

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MOITA-LOPES, L. P. (2014). Global Portuguese: linguistic ideologies in late modernity. New York: Routledge.

O’BRIEN, S. (2017). Linguistic Diasporas, Narrative and Performance. London: Palgrave

PENNYCOOK, A. (2010). Rethinking origins and localization in global Englishes. In: SAXENA, M.; OMONIYI, T. (Orgs.) Contending with globalization in World Englishes. UK: Multilingual Matters, p. 196-233.

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SCHEFFNER HAMMER, C., DUNN DAVISON, M., LAWRENCE, F. and MICCIO, A (2009). The effect of maternal language on bilingual children’s Vocabulary and emergent literacy development during Head Start and Kindergarten. Scientific Studies of Reading 13, no. 2, p. 99–121.

SILVA, Daniel Nascimento. (2016). Comunicando a -pacificação- e a violência. Signotica (UFG), v. 28, p. 405-431.

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