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Challenges and opportunities of working with projects and technologies with a degree in mathematics
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Project-based pedagogy
Initial teacher education in mathematics
Information technologies
Analytic geometry teaching.

How to Cite

RICHIT, Adriana; MALTEMPI, Marcus Vinicius. Challenges and opportunities of working with projects and technologies with a degree in mathematics. Zetetike, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 1, p. 15–42, 2010. DOI: 10.20396/zet.v18i33.8646692. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.


The initial teacher education is an object of research in education,
mathematics education and other areas of knowledge. It is also the focus of
recent public policies of the Brazilian Ministry of Education, due to the
movement of social and political changes that impact schools and teaching.
Among these changes is the presence and use of technology in educational
activities and the various human social practices. From this perspective,
understanding how these changes are reflected in teaching practice and in the
process of initial teacher education is essential to improve education and
implement changes in schools. Given this, our aim in this article is to offer some
reflections on the possibilities offered by technologies in the process of initial
teacher education, focusing on project work as being able to organize specific,
teaching and technology education. For such, we rely on the results of a study
that has sought to present new insights on the development of projects guided
towards the use of technologies in the education of future mathematics teachers.
The study data highlight aspects of working with projects that promote the
education of future teachers of mathematics, since they offered the study of
specific knowledge, while enabling students to experience situations of teaching
practice and enhance the knowledge of using software in the study of
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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