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Curriculum history as history of the present
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Curriculum history.
History of the present.
Alchemy of school subjects.
Young and adult education.

How to Cite

MARSICO, Juliana; FERREIRA, Marcia Serra. Curriculum history as history of the present: investigating alchemical processes in the science curriculum for youth and adult education in Brazil. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 4, p. 837–855, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v22i4.8660143. Disponível em: Acesso em: 25 sep. 2024.


In this paper, we investigate different discourses that produce a specificity for school knowledge in sciences, historically addressed to Adult Education (EJA) in Brazil. It is part of the investigations we have been carrying out in the Curriculum History Study Group, within the context of NEC/UFRJ, with resources from CNPq, Capes and Faperj. In a dialogue with Michel Foucault and historians who instigate us in the production of a Curriculum History as History of the Present (Reinhart Koselleck, for example), we mobilized the notion of alchemy of school subjects proposed by Thomas Popkewitz to understand how school knowledge in sciences has been historically produced for EJA. We are interested in understanding what transformations this knowledge undergoes when traversed by statements that produce regularities for this modality. We investigated: (i) official documents related to EJA in the country; (ii) a textbook collection made available by the Ministry of Education. In the analysis, statements related to the education of young and adult people focused on emancipation, citizen training and work, as well as those focused on the life experiences of these students, emerge as exercising regulatory effects over the curriculum production investigated here. It is in this discursive context that school knowledge in sciences is produced, that participates in the fabrication of students described as oppressed workers who need a teacher (and teaching) to emancipate them. In this movement, the contingencies and complexities of everyday life are being reorganized as objects of school logic, becoming, alchemically, the school knowledge in sciences.
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