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The pedagogical work of teachers in the universe of child education: the critical theory as the emancipatory possibility of teaching
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Teacher training. Child education. Critical theory.

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NAKATA, Natasha Yukari Schiavinato; OLIVEIRA, Marta Regina Furlan de. The pedagogical work of teachers in the universe of child education: the critical theory as the emancipatory possibility of teaching. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e019008, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v19i0.8652985. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.


It is through social experience that children become human and learn about themselves and the world. It is from the first experiences that we experience with significant people in our lives that we will be forming, creating meanings and values, building our self-image and self-identity, thus developing our cognitive potential and, consequently, becoming subjects. In this perspective, this article has as main objective to reflect on the work of teachers in the infantile education, in the sense of seeking new possibilities of emancipatory actions on the part of these professionals in relation to the process of learning and humanizing formation of the children. The research is a bibliographical one in light of the foundations of the Critical Theory of Society, mainly with the contributions of Adorno (1995) and Horkheimer (2002) and other secondary readings. As a result, the child needs to be seen as a thinking, historical, cultural being that transforms the world and is transformed by it, and the teacher, imbued with a solid theoretical and practical formation, needs to potentiate this process of children's knowledge and learning through bias of the humanizing reflection of teaching. As a result, early childhood education has the responsibility and commitment to the formation and development of each child for the knowledge and knowledge historically constructed, so that the teacher recognizes the appropriate spaces for pedagogical interventions with the promotion of integral formation through discoveries and learning experiences from an early age.
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