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Child education
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Childhood education
Education projects in dispute
Humanization of childhood school

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RODRIGUES, Adenil Alves; RODRIGUES, Doriedson do Socorro; RODRIGUES, Vandreia de Oliveira. Child education: projects of education in dispute, issues of democratization and humanization in childhood school. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 20, p. e020025, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v20i0.8653918. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The text discusses early children's education by problematizing the antagonistic educational projects that today compete for this space; the need for a real and not only apparent and formal democratization for this stage of basic education; and the construction of a human and humanizing childhood school. This is a bibliographical research that takes as foundation for its analysis the dialectical historical materialism because it considers that in class society the dispute and the control by the determination of the function that the school plays is not restricted only to the higher levels and modalities of the education, but it goes through all the stages that make up the basic school, including the education of children. The conclusions reached by us indicate that being one of the stages of basic education, in child education there is also a dispute for the consolidation of a type of training that serves different projects of society. It was also clear here that the humanization of  childhood education does not take effect only with words or a desire to construct a new model of the childhood school, although these are necessary paths, but that the very fundamental is the ethical-political commitment of the transformation of the childhood education into a kind of education in which its content, method and form may have as a focal point the clarity of the project of society we want to build, as well as the transformation of the relations that are now established in the school and corroborate with the reproduction and maintenance of the society of classes.
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