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Makarenko, pedagogue of the extreme and of the joy of educating
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Socialist pedagogy
Interpersonal relationships

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BAIA, Samira Fakhouri; MACHADO, Lucília Regina de Souza. Makarenko, pedagogue of the extreme and of the joy of educating. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e019030, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v19i0.8654460. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The relations between history, society and education are necessarily evoked when it comes to Anton Semionovich Makarenko, Soviet pedagogue and his educational experiences in the Gorky Colony and the Dzerzinsk Commune, in the early days of the Russian Revolution. In this article, constructed from a theoretical review, we seek to contemplate two of the main characteristics of his profile as a pedagogue: the firm disposition to face extreme situations and the joy in educating in the construction of sociability committed to social emancipation. Guided by the principle that transforming human relations is a prerequisite for the formation of a new man, his proposals are a reference for the educators who today propose to face the dilemmas of how to educate the social being and to promote interpersonal relations ethically founded on aspirations for collective well-being, social justice, equality and solidarity.
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