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The influence of humanism in the "good education" of brazilian mocity
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Religious influence
Pombaline reform.

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SILVA, Fabrícia Carla de Albuquerque; LIMA, Walter Matias; DIÓGENES, Elione Maria Nogueira; FARIAS, Flávia Maria de Albuquerque Silva. The influence of humanism in the "good education" of brazilian mocity: paradoxes of the pombaline ideals. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 19, p. e019037, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v19i0.8654552. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


This article aims at understanding and emphasizing the issues surrounding the so-called good education directed at Brazilian youth, whose foundation lies in the humanist tradition. In this perspective, in the first topic, the elements of the genesis and the senses of the term humanism, that go back to Antiquity and Renaissance are studied. In order to understand the polysemy that marks the Humanism, were consulted: Nogare (1985), Chacon (1980), Luckesi (1985), Cambi (1999), Bencostta (2007), Elias (1993), Hilsdorf (2006) and Melanchton [15--]. The subsequent discussion covers the changes brought about in the Brazilian context, in opposition to what was proposed in the Pombaline Reform. In the second topic of the article, it was essential to analyze the following sources: 1. Teachings for teachers of Grammatica Latina, Greek, Hebrew and Rhetorica ​​(1759); 2. Letters on the Education of the Youth (1760). As a final consideration, the characteristics of historical-literary Humanism and the role of religious in the perpetuation of this tradition in the educational sphere were emphasized, aimed at shaping the behavior of the youth of the Eighties in Brazil.
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