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Elements for building a genesis of home economics educationfor building a genesis of Home Economics education: "A Tratise On Domestic Economy" by Catherine Beecher
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Home economics

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AMARAL JUNIOR, José Carlos do; ALVES, Ana Elizabeth Santos. Elements for building a genesis of home economics educationfor building a genesis of Home Economics education: "A Tratise On Domestic Economy" by Catherine Beecher: “a tratise on domestic economy” by Catherine Beecher. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 00, p. e021019, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v21i00.8658830. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article aimed to analyze the central elements of the emergence of Home Economics in the mid-19th century. The main objective was to learn, from Catherine Beecher's work “A Tratise on Domestic Economy”, which are the main characteristics of the proposal that appeared around 1840 and would later become an educational project for women spread around the world, including Brazil. It was possible to verify that, according to its historical contingencies, the Home Economics emerged anchored in the reproduction of traditions, in the sexual division of labor and in the technical and scientific advances of that time. Thus, it intended to inaugurate a specific line for female education, based on liberalist, moral and Christian precepts. In a different way than what would be observed decades later, this initial proposal of Home Economics came about more around a harmonious vision of traditions and the sexual division of labor, than of hygienist and scientific notions. This analysis made it possible to realize that Home Economics was not an educational proposal that emerged in the 20th century, but had a long and characteristic process of genesis in the social changes that occurred in the 19th century. In turn, this reflection helps to understand the different formats by which the teaching of Home Economics was spread around the world as a widely accepted proposal for female education.
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Amaral Junior, Ana Alves


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