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Education in the process of social transformation
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Teaching practice
Social transformation

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COLARES, Maria Lília Imbiriba Sousa; FONSECA, André Dioney; COLARES, Anselmo Alencar. Education in the process of social transformation: reflecting on teaching practice. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 00, p. e021003, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v21i00.8660256. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This text aims to investigate teaching practice associated to the project of collective emancipation of all the excluded in the current socio-economic system. The starting point for the reflection we are trying to establish is grounded on the understanding that our society increasingly lacks education committed to the transformations that were announced – and not implemented – by the revolutionary bourgeoisie in the Age of Revolution. It is a bibliographic study, counting on theoretical and methodological contributions anchored in the Dialectical and Historical Materialism, and consequently there is the concern of establishing an analysis aimed at the teaching-learning relationships, which comprehend the act of teaching as a permanent process of reflection with the purpose of causing transformative ruptures, since the capitalist mode of production enhanced the expansion of trading networks to all the fields of human action, while it also produced and deepened the social inequality, as well as the distance between people that exacerbates individualism, consumption and spoliation of natural environment. Therefore, in conclusion, teaching practice demands reflection and articulation between theory and practice, that is, an effective praxis. In this crucial moment, in which we observe the resurgence/ strengthening of fascist and ultraconservative groups, the active resistance in the fight against obscurantism, in the exposure of the retrocession and in the announcement of a new society is necessary. The utopia has to win, and to this end the transformative educational praxis is vital.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Maria Lília Imbiriba Sousa Colare, André Dioney Fonseca, Anselmo Alencar Colares


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