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History and technological education in the Sudeste IF MG - campus Muriaé
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Technological education
Popular extension
Discipline of History

How to Cite

MONERAT, Julio Cesar Pereira. History and technological education in the Sudeste IF MG - campus Muriaé: reflections on an experience. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 00, p. e022052, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v22i00.8665205. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jul. 2024.


The article analyzes the role of the Discipline of History in the implementation of technological education at the Muriaé campus of IF Sudeste MG. The text aims to demonstrate the importance of the Discipline of History in this process, in view of its role in the development of popular extension and research projects linked to teaching on that campus. The theoretical framework is Marxist, and the authors who develop the concept of technological education are relevant. Methodologically, the article combines (1) a description and analysis of procedures carried out at the Muriaé campus – related to: the elaboration of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP); implementation of popular extension projects and historical research of social movements – with (2) a literature review related to technological education, as well as scientific knowledge. Description of procedures, literature review and analysis are interspersed in the article, being presented and resumed successively. In the first part, the elaboration of the campus PPP is described and, then, this dynamic is analyzed from the conceptualization of technological education. Subsequently, the text theoretically reviews the concept of science and its relationship with technological education, using this framework to analyze popular extension and research projects in which the Discipline of History had its centrality established and which are duly described in the article . Articulating the descriptive and analytical moments presented in the text, the article does not exactly bring a conclusion, but rather reviews the described practices, pointing out the contradictions that accompany them and that refer, fundamentally, to the contradictions of sociability governed by capital, reinforcing, on the other hand, , the emancipatory role of technological education.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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