The firsts São Paulo’s Biennials awards (1951-1965)
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Bienais de São Paulo. Arte do pós-guerra. Reconhecimento artístico. História da arte global.

How to Cite

CERCHIARO, Marina. The firsts São Paulo’s Biennials awards (1951-1965): A quantitative and geographical approach. MODOS, Campinas, SP, v. 4, n. 2, p. 55–72, 2020. DOI: 10.24978/mod.v4i2.4583. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The o aim of this article is, through quantitative analysis, to give an overview of the geographic distribution of the awards of the foreign delegations of the first São Paulo Biennials (1951-1965). It is intended to understand   the relationships between space, nationality and power that operate in the awards and their impacts on artistic recognition. The intention is to outline the maps of the arts that the awards draw in order to analyze their geographical asymmetries, visualize specificities and inquire about possible general trends. We conclude that the awards favor painting over other artistic modalities, as the sculpture, and they are geographically concentrated throughout the eight editions, highlighting countries in Western Europe (in particular Italy, France, Great Britain and Germany), the United States and Yugoslavia. However, the awards do not necessarily reproduce canonical ideas about the art of the period, raising questions that deserve to be further investigated by qualitative research.
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