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Cristina Iglesias

How to Cite

SOBRINHO, Maryella. Archisculpture: A way of approaching Cristina Iglesias work. MODOS, Campinas, SP, v. 6, n. 1, p. 83–104, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/modos.v6i1.8667449. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


I present a brief analysis of some sets of works by Cristina Iglesias: Celosías, Habitaciones Vegetales and Groundwater, through which I reflect on the relationships between landscape, sculpture and architecture. The artist's work deals with man's relationship with nature and with the space in which he is inserted. The reflection then developed allowed us to arrive at the idea of ​​archiculture, based on Jacques Derrida and Yve-Alain Bois. In addition to revisiting some issues addressed in my doctoral thesis, in this paper I unfold the idea of ​​archisculsture as a starting point for thinking about other artists' works.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Maryella Sobrinho


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