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The necessity of developing knowledge map of the world in Earth Sciences and mines field studies based on research activities: a case study of Iran
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Research policy. International standard industrial classification. Dynamics of science.

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ASLI, Babak; EGHBALI, Masoumeh; GHAMAMI, Narges; ABBASABAD, Hassan Didari; RASULI, Behrooz; REZAIE, Fereydoun. The necessity of developing knowledge map of the world in Earth Sciences and mines field studies based on research activities: a case study of Iran. Terrae Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 15, p. e019007, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/td.v15i1.8654661. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.


As Robert Merton believes, as Science is a social construct, researchers in a certain research community have to share their findings. However, one of the main activities of knowledge management is the sharing knowledge through formal channels, including theses and dissertations, books, articles, conferences, etc., because it has a significant impact on the advancement of sciences and will improve the quality of R&D activities, organizational performance, and the achievement of researchers to competitive advantage. Current global databases such as Scopus, web of science, Google Scholar, as well as academic social network sites (SNS) such as Researchgate and are not successful in demonstrating the dynamics of knowledge In order to understand the dynamics of science, scientific collaboration, industrialization of the countries, we analyze and draw a strategic map in Earth Sciences and Mines of Iran's to help science and technology policy-makers, based on reviewing of the research activities of researchers in different dimensions of geology and mining field study. Through a scientometrics approach, 8431 publications including thesis (1967 to 2015) and papers (1991 to 2016) in two special fields of geology and mining were analyzed. According to the findings, a total of 127 universities in the 80 field study and 294 disciplines in the field of geosciences, 52 universities, and 13 disciplines in the field of geology and 36 universities and 26 disciplines in the field of mining and geophysics have been involved in the production of theses. Among them, the largest amount of publications in the field of geosciences includes fields of geology, mining engineering, civil engineering, natural geography, natural resources engineering respectively. There is an incremental growth of scientific activities in the mineral sector of Iran but unacceptable trend in relation to the number of minerals deposits, mines as well as the total number of mines in Iran. According to the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), researchers in this area are more interested and performed the most scientific activity in metal (7), non-metallic and decorative (8), and oil and gas (5) section and (3), (5), (2) categories respectively. Also developing the statistical and GIS Mapping of research activities show low index of relationship between industrial needs and university research activities, lowest to medium (dispersive) overlap and duplicates, and insufficient research activities in various fields of the earth's sciences and subsequently lowest growth of quantity of the publications in this field so far for geosciences education of Iran despite the advances in the field of geosciences over the past 50 years. These findings improved our knowledge and helped us to know about our deficiencies/potential so that we suggest to develop a new generation of freely geosciences research activities databases based on web-GIS and scientometrics for researches/ers in the world in the 3rd millennium. In fact, understanding of these and drawing the universal research activities strategic map in the geosciences field study will help us to make an appropriate policies and decisions, improving initiatives and creativity, shed light on developing multi-dimensions of geosciences.
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