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The science behind steelmaking and iron mining
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Earth system science
Global environmental change
Curriculum integration
Teacher education
History of science
Mining of iron

How to Cite

GONÇALVES, Pedro Wagner; SICCA, Natalina Aparecida Laguna; ALVES, Maurílio Antonio Ribeiro; FERNANDES, Maria Cristina da Silveira Galan. The science behind steelmaking and iron mining. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 15, p. e019030, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/td.v15i0.8654167. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The lack of teaching of Earth Sciences in K12 level in Brazil is the reason to investigate how improve the curricular integration and the teacher education for Earth Sciences. We search for data sets can facilitate an science projects for teacher education and innovative curricula to promote the knowledge of the Earth and the environment. In this article, we present the case study about integrated course using the data from history of science and technology of iron and steel mining, manufacture and origin in the terrestrial crust. Teachers of chemistry have done this course and they have became able to teach their students from other point of view (they change their ideas about nature, geologic time and the environment). Teachers acknowledge the different scales of time and its implications to social and environmental processes that drive the changes affecting Earth’s resources (time scales and global climate changing). These courses has been positive, with participants indicating changes in their practical experience and view on natural resources. This encourages the teaching and learning perspective with curricular integration.
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