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The importance of conductors of visitors in the dissemination of Geosciences in conservation units
Meandros ativos e meandros abandonados em vista aérea de afluente do Rio Tocantins, região entre Estreito e Carolina, Maranhão.
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Conductor of visitors. Monitor. Tourist Guide. Geoscience. Geology. Conservation unit.

How to Cite

BOGGIANI, Paulo C. The importance of conductors of visitors in the dissemination of Geosciences in conservation units. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 4, p. 463–466, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/td.v14i4.8654197. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The growing interest in ecotourism has led to an increase in tourist visits in national parks, along with the need for organizing that activity by the institutions responsible for conservation units. Since visitor guides were sought among the local population, they were formally recognized and trained by those institutions, through courses and training. The courses in Geosciences for guides must offer a minimum of 40 hours of classes, involving theoretical, practical and field activities in the region. Adequate training of guides furnishes them with a systemic understanding of the area in which they work, and results in a better quality of services offered to visitors. The can thus explain the geological evolution of the region and how it relates to the local biota and historic and socio-cultural issues. The courses must adopt a systemic approach to the understanding of how Planet Earth works, and must relate the processes of internal dynamics with those of external dynamics, through Global Tectonics and ex-planation of the processes of rock formation, and must include practical activities. Geological Time must be presented, together with the concepts of Paleontology, in such a way that the guide is prepared to present his personal version of the geological his-tory of the region. By informing guides regarding the results of geological research in the region, they become the best dissemi-nators of available information, thus taking on important roles in the dissemination of Geosciences.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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