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Bloom Taxonomy as an instrument for teaching-learning of stereographic projection on geology
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Structural geology
Meaningful learning
Three dimensional visualization
Cognitive development.

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MIGUEL, Gisele Francelino; CARNEIRO, Celso Dal Ré. Bloom Taxonomy as an instrument for teaching-learning of stereographic projection on geology. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 15, p. e019041, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/td.v15i0.8657522. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Developing the ability to give meaning and to characterize the geometric arrangement of rock structures is difficult for Geology students. When it is necessary to interpret movements and displacements, the barrier becomes even greater. The three-dimensional nature of geological structures stimulates the predominance of visual reasoning among geologists, along with the integration/association of various types of data. A challenge for Structural Geology teachers to create practical activities that facilitate and make learning more attractive was met by using stereographic projection. This work applies the Bloom taxonomy as a teaching-learning tool, from the perspective that the categories can facilitate the achievement of discipline objectives and clarify the practical activities, as well as contribute towards planning of contents, tasks and evaluation. Seeking to cope with students' difficulties, the authors developed and proposed categories in the three domains of Bloom's taxonomy for teaching of Structural Geology, focusing specifically on the content of stereographic projection.
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