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Inclusive Geosciences dissemination: audio description of educational videos
Camadas rítmicas da Formação Irati, Permiano da Bacia do Paraná
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Audio description
Inclusive education
Geoscience education.

How to Cite

PONTIN, Juliana; IMBERNON, Rosely Aparecida Liguori. Inclusive Geosciences dissemination: audio description of educational videos: la audiodescrição de videos educativos. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 15, p. e019052, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/td.v15i0.8657612. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Brazil has more than 6.5 million visually impaired people, of which 582 thousand are blind and 6 million have low vision. In this universe, few educational initiatives in geosciences were identified, and they generally do not make use of educational videos. The present study seeks to utilize the audio description (AD) resource in educational videos focusing on science teaching, and specifically, on contents related to geosciences and the environment. The production of science-related materials for the visually impaired, focusing on basic education, lacks didactic resources, such as AD, to assist the teacher and provide the visually impaired student with access to videos on YouTube. AD is based on techniques of visual-verbal transformation, which open a range of possibilities for access to culture and information, and promote social, cultural and school inclusion of visually impaired individuals. AD can be applied. in formal and non-formal spaces of education. Because AD is a very recent theme in the social and scientific field, and because it involves inclusive education, it needs systematic research to develop AD norms that can standardize the technique in different countries where it is applied. Thus, the activities in this study were carried out within the scope of the “Five Stones” project, a component of the Space Science Culture Education Program (ECCE), School of Arts and Humanities (EACH-USP). AD was developed to be incorporated into the “Cinco Pedrinhas saem em aventura” stop motion video posted on YouTube, thus providing a descriptive audio narration. To compose this AD, national and international references of techniques that allowed the development of the texts were utilized, as well as monitoring by an audio writer, to correct and direct the work, and field studies involving monitoring of theatrical and musical pieces in which AD was available.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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ITC (2000). Guidance on Standards for Audiodescription, Audetel,

UNE 153020. (2005). Audiodescripción para personas com discapacidad visual. Requisitos para la audiodescripción y elaboración de audioguías. Madrid: AENOR, 2005.

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