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Payment for Environmental Services (PES)
Entrada monumental da Gruta do Lago Azul, ricamente ornamentada por estalactites e estalagmites, situada no município de Bonito, a E da Serra da Bodoquena e a sudoeste do município de Miranda. A região serrana foi edificada em unidades carbonáticas dos grupos Cuiabá e Corumbá, de idade Neoproterozoica. Fotografia: Adriano Gambarini.
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Social-environmental Mapping
Geosciences Education

How to Cite

PENKAITIS, Gabriela; IMBERNON, Rosely Aparecida Liguori; VASCONCELOS, Clara Maria da Silva de. Payment for Environmental Services (PES): the role of geocientific knowledge in social protagonism. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 16, p. e020025, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/td.v16i0.8659281. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 jul. 2024.


Payment for Environmental Services (PSA) is a policy implemented starting with the Brazilian 2012 Forest Code, as an incentive to maintain vegetation and/or restore permanent protection areas (APPs) in rural areas. The Water Producer Program is a partnership between actors in federal, state and municipal public management, non-governmental entities and rural producers, in water protection in the country. It seeks to achieve conservation of soil and water, and reduction of erosion and silting of water sources in rural areas, through sustainable practices and management. The assessment of the geoscientific knowledge of the actors involved employed a qualitative methodological framework, in a case study of the Water Producer Program of Salesópolis, São Paulo. Semi-structured interviews and a socio-environmental mapping workshop indicated the little (if any) notion regarding good practices in land use, recovery of degraded areas, soil preservation and other topics associated with geoscientific knowledge.
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