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They look like fossil plants, but not, they are dendrites
Entrada monumental da Gruta do Lago Azul, ricamente ornamentada por estalactites e estalagmites, situada no município de Bonito, a E da Serra da Bodoquena e a sudoeste do município de Miranda. A região serrana foi edificada em unidades carbonáticas dos grupos Cuiabá e Corumbá, de idade Neoproterozoica. Fotografia: Adriano Gambarini.
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How to Cite

SELLÉS-MARTÍNEZ, José; CARNEIRO, Celso Dal Ré. They look like fossil plants, but not, they are dendrites. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 16, p. e020024, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/td.v16i0.8659636. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Dendrites, although recognized as of inorganic origin by geologists and paleontologists for centuries, are often confused with fossil plant organisms at a popular level. In this work, the elements that are key to their differentiation from true fossils are presented, as well as a brief summary of the mention and illustration of dendrites in historical texts. Aspects that refer to their shape (highlighting their fractality), their mineral composition, the physical-chemical mechanisms that control their genesis and the environments and geological circumstances that enable their development are also discussed. The work concludes with the inclusion of a series of practical activities that allow experimentally obtaining dendritic patterns, and a selection of works and Internet sites that contain information of interest on the subject.
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