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Philosophical aspects of the “Principles of Geology” by Charles Lyell
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Philosophy of geology
Experimental science
Philosophy of science

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BRANCO, Hely Cristian. Philosophical aspects of the “Principles of Geology” by Charles Lyell: a starter approach. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 17, n. 00, p. e021039, 2021. DOI: 10.20396/td.v17i00.8666003. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The book “Principles of Geology” of the British geologist and naturalist Sir Charles Lyell [1797-1875] permanently changed the way nature is seen, granting Geology the status of science and establishing many of the main epistemological basis present in this field of knowledge until today. This paper analyses some of the main philosophical fundaments of Lyell’s work, focusing on the influences perceived from the works of the philosopher Sir Francis Bacon [1561-1626], whose ideas profoundly marked our comprehension about what experimental science is and how it is made. Amongst the influences on the “Principles”, deserve special attention the theological fundaments, the importance of natural history and experimentation, in addition to the great value attributed to inductive reasoning in the construction of scientific knowledge. It is concluded that a markedly experimental epistemology may be identified in Lyell’s work.
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