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Botany neglect and zoochauvinism in high school biology textbooks
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Plant Blindness
Botany teaching
Zoology teaching

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PIASSA, Gabriel; MEGID NETO, Jorge; SIMÕES, André Olmos. Botany neglect and zoochauvinism in high school biology textbooks. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 19, n. 00, p. e023020, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/td.v19i00.8673697. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Introduction. Textbooks are the most used resources for school teaching and learning. In the case of Biology books, they often approach Botany by encouraging the memorization of the terms and not associating it with the students' daily lives. Such conduct reinforces Botany Neglect (NB) and Zoochauvinism (ZCH). Objective and Methodology. This paper aims to analyse five collections of Biology books approved by the National Textbook Program for usage in Brazilian schools, for identifying approaches that reinforce or not NB and ZCH. Results. The verified collections deal with the study of plants in the chapters on Botany, Zoology, Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution, with a higher reinforcement of NB and ZCH in the chapters on Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution, which does not happen in the chapters on Zoology and Botany. Conclusion. Textbook authors and teachers must seek to better present Botany and Zoology contents more frequently in connection with other areas of Biology, highlighting the interdependence of these areas in approaching Biology themes and phenomena.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriel Piassa, Jorge Megid Neto, André Olmos Simões


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