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Map of occurrences of speleological and paleontological geosites in Minas Gerais
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Basic education

How to Cite

MOURA, Ricardo Almeida de; RIBAS, Giovana Kelly; SANCHEZ, Evelyn. Map of occurrences of speleological and paleontological geosites in Minas Gerais: a social tool for the teaching of Geoheritage. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 19, n. 00, p. e023027, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/td.v19i00.8673933. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The study of Geoheritage encompasses the study of geosites, which involve the most varied geological aspects with scientific value of a region, including geomorphological, paleontological, speleological, archaeological, among others. The practices linked to the conservation of geoheritage are called geoconservation and their importance is justified by consolidating actions and policies that will allow the maintenance of the record of important aspects of the Earth's geological history. Let us think of the Teaching of Geosciences as an ally in the conservation of Geoheritage, because, through it, future generations are taught about the importance and conservation of geosites (geoheritage unit, a place of interest for preservation) and geoparks (cluster of several geosites). The teaching of Geosciences, focused on contents related to Geology and Life Sciences, presents similarities to the subjects of Natural Sciences and Biology in basic education, including the use of ICTs. Aiming to combine geoheritage teaching with information and communication technologies, we bring as an object of study the virtual map of paleontological and speleological geosites of Minas Gerais, developed from geosites cataloged by the Brazilian Commission of Geological and Paleontological Sites (SIGEP). The applicability and effectiveness of applying this virtual map to higher education students was tested. It is concluded that, although the public has knowledge about geodiversity and geoheritage, this map still has good applicability about geoheritage teaching and can, therefore, be a didactic tool that contributes to geoconservation.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Ricardo Almeida de Moura, Giovana Kelly Ribas, Evelyn Sanchez


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