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A narrative review of brazilian and portuguese students’ perceptions and conceptions about climate change
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Alternative conceptions
Environmental education
National curriculum
Secondary and university education

How to Cite

COUTO, Victor Hugo; GONÇALVES, Pedro Wagner; SERMEUS, Jan. A narrative review of brazilian and portuguese students’ perceptions and conceptions about climate change. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 20, n. 00, p. e024009, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/td.v20i00.8674120. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Introduction and Objective. This narrative review aims to analyze the understanding of Brazilian and Portuguese students about climate change through the synthesis and discussion of the literature. Methodology. A mapping of misconceptions was carried out through bibliographic review with the target audience being final years of basic and high school education to the initial years of university (approximately 14 to 21 years old). Results. It was observed that nearly all misconceptions were shared, except for two that were exclusive to each country. Hypotheses were thus raised about the current stage of environmental education, incidence of misconceptions, national curricula, and teaching practices. Conclusion. Overall, more similarities than differences were found in the challenges faced by students (and teachers), which brings interesting discussions for both countries given their closely intertwined history, yet distinct realities.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Victor Hugo Couto, Pedro Wagner Gonçalves, Jan Sermeus


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