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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.

Author Guidelines


Editorial policy and goals

Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada (Papers in Applied Linguistics) is published three times a year by the Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics of the Institute of Language Studies at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). The journal aims to disseminate original papers to the constant renewal and expansion of the field of Applied Linguistics.

Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada is a journal that publishes papers from the field of Applied Linguistics (AL). Its editorial board believes that AL is a pragmatically oriented field (Cavalcanti, 1986), meaning that it investigates linguistic practices and may propose solutions in relation to the phenomena investigated. We also understand AL as a transdisciplinary field interested in integrating diverse ways of understanding the central role of language in social life. The journal recognizes the scope of the applied field, in its multiple aspects, but subscribes to the view that AL is not the application of linguistics or other theories about language.

Manuscripts written in Portuguese, Spanish, English, French or Italian are welcome.

Submissions are received for regular issues.

SPECIAL ISSUES – Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada is open to proposals for special issues that aim to innovate and expand the study of language in society, including educational and political contexts. The special issues must engage in dialogue with both domestic and foreign authors, contain at least 30% of authors working in foreign institutions, and incorporate contributions from various institutions and research groups from different states of Brazil. Regional diversity and internationalization are criteria for the selection of issues. The Editorial Committee understands that a special issue is not a mere aggregate of texts in a miscellaneous format, but an articulated and heterogeneous collection of articles that provides critical reflection on a research problem, its different and divergent theoretical, conceptual, and methodological sources. Proposals for special issues should be sent directly to the editors, containing an abstract – with up to 700 words, justifying the historical and current relevance of the theme for applied linguistics, including the divergences or tensions considered and the contributions to the expansion, improvement and/or deepening of the theme. Proposals should also include a list of authors with institutional affiliation, mini résumés and abstracts of 200-250 words for each article.

The special issues must have at least 30% of the articles written in English or Spanish.

The special issue proposals are evaluated by TLA editors with the support of the Editorial Board and ad-hoc reviewers. The thematic issue editors will act as effective editors in the process of manuscript submission and evaluation, with a special access to the OJS system provided by SBU/Unicamp for this purpose.

For all articles, before submitting the manuscript, authors must agree to the following requirements, at the risk of having the submission rejected by the Editorial Board:
– The content of the manuscript must not have been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere
– The author must hold a doctorate or be a doctoral student (in the case of co-authorship, at least one of the authors must hold a doctorate or be doctoral student).
– The author submitting an article (author or co-author) may not have another article published in the TLA publication schedule within two years.
– All steps requested by the online system must be completed correctly; and the requested information must be filled in (including the biographic note, with the indication of degree(s), institutional links and ORCID).

The journal does not publish chapters or sections of completed theses and/or dissertations.

Supervisors of Masters, Doctoral or Post-Doctoral research that is being submitted to the journal should be referred to in the footnotes as supervising professors; they ought not be listed as co-authors.

Texts in co-authorship are accepted as long as the ethical commitment of effective author participation of all who sign the article is maintained. We recommend reading the section "Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement," which details the journal's policy on coauthorship, including ethical issues regarding plagiarism and human and animal research.

The journal also considers interviews and reviews of recent works in the field. The review, besides presenting the work to the reader, should discuss it with originality and with support from references.

TLA has a body of expert reviewers who provide input that supports editorial decisions.

There is no fee for submission and review of articles.

Principles of quality and textuality expected by the journal

The Editorial Board offers below some remarks on patterns of quality and textuality that the journal expects from its manuscripts. We draw from our editorial experience and from Monica Heller et al.'s (2018) reflections on “what constitutes good scholarly work, [thus] making the sometimes mysterious process of journal submission a little more transparent.”

1. When writing your article, offer discussions about social problems evidenced by language that engage in dialogue with reflections on Applied Linguistics in Brazil and around the world. Explain why your question, the data generated, and the analytical approach are relevant to the field. Make clear to your reader why your study is important and what he/she can learn from reading your text.

2. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada expects a mature reflection that has been through a reasonable degree of dialogue. Pilot studies or papers turned in at the end of graduate courses usually do not fit this pattern. Thus, a paper such as this should only be submitted after sufficient maturation.

3. We expect that articles adequately reference the literature which has already addressed the research problem. Properly review what has already been presented on the topic and propose new theoretical articulations, in an authorial way, that is, in order to situate your work in relation to what has already been proposed by the literature. Make sure that the cited literature on the topic is up to date, and that the pioneering literature is properly referenced.

4. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada expects that the methodology of the text is not merely a reproduction of already given methods or manuals, but is reflexive and authorial. That is, when narrating your methodology, tell why it is appropriate to this particular research, how it made it possible to generate data, and how it integrates with the expected authorial analysis of the research data.

5. In case of research with humans, review in detail the “Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement” section. Further, if you are presenting an empirical or ethnographic study, provide contextual details of the research: who are the participants, what is the socio-political context of the study, what is the historical specificity of the case being addressed, and how are the data situated in space and time. Good empirical analyses are first and foremost good narratives and therefore need to situate subjects and processes in space and time.

6. The data should lead to contextualized and coherent analyses. In this sense, your paper should be presented as an evidently mature proposition and, preferably, as a consistent product of completed or ongoing research that you have conducted. Also, good analyses are not paraphrases or mere comments, as these certainly do not exploit the richness of the data. Make sure that your analysis generates conclusions from a sufficient amount of data; anecdotal and poorly integrated data are unlikely to allow convincing conclusions, and are unlikely to contribute to the innovation expected by the journal.

7. Remember that a good paper tells a good research story. Therefore, organize it in a coherent way, integrating theory, methodological choices, analysis, and discussion of results. Make your project of text clear to your reader. Also, text, figures, tables, images, and other semiotic resources must be well presented and harmonized in relation to the whole manuscript.

8. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada is not staffed with proofreaders. Thus, make sure that your paper is adequate to the standards of good academic writing, respecting formal aspects of the standard academic writing and complying with all the technical norms required by the journal.


CAVALCANTI, Marilda. (1986). A propósito de linguística aplicada. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada v. 7, n. 2, p. 5-12.

HELLER, Monica; GARCEZ, Pedro; LEVON, Erez; PARK, Joseph; SCHILLING, Natalie. (2018). How to get published in the Journal of Sociolinguistics. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 abr. 2021.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

1. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada follows the best ethical principles in authorship, peer reviewing, and editorial activity, specifically the “Principles of Transparency and Good Practice in Academic Publications” recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): The journal also follows Cambridge University Press’ Publishing ethics guidelines: We summarize our main guidelines, but authors are encouraged to study these manuals before submitting their work to us.

2. With regard to authorship, Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada expects that all listed authors in a manuscript have made substantial contributions to the effective research design, data analysis, writing, and conclusions of an article. Research assistants, advisors or sponsors who have not actually worked in those stages of the manuscript preparation should not be included as authors. They should be acknowledged on a different section of the manuscript. We understand that all authors are legally and scientifically accountable to this principle, recommended by COPE, Cambridge, and other committees on publication ethics.

3. With regard to plagiarism, Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada follows Cambridge University’s definition of plagiarism as “using someone else’s ideas, words, data, or other material produced by them without acknowledgement”. Plagiarism is the inappropriate use of other authors’ works. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada also considers self-plagiarism the duplication of portions of an article (or an entire article) already published or simultaneously under review by other journals or scientific outlets. As stated in our Editorial Policy, a paper submitted for Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada must not be simultaneously under review in another outlet. We regard duplicate submissions an academic malpractice that jeopardizes the solidary and unpaid labor of reviewers and editors. Trabalhos em Linguística does not approve of plagiarism or self-plagiarism, and actively seeks to enforce (self-)plagiarism detection in all editorial stages.

4. With regard to peer reviewing, we consider it as crucial to keeping the standards of Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, a journal that aims to innovate and advance the applied field of language studies. We work to provide the adequate digital systems and editorial advice for our peer reviewers. We enforce that our peer reviewing process is blind, fair, and critically constructive. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada does not allow impolite critique or offenses in its peer reviewing reports. The editors of Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada work together with peer reviewers in assessing the quality and adequacy of manuscripts, and in providing the necessary critically constructive input for authors.

5. With regard to pre-evaluation, Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada works with its editorial team in assessing the quality and formal adequacy of manuscripts prior to peer reviewing. Our team also tries to detect plagiarism or self-plagiarism in manuscripts. Yet peer reviewers are also requested to check manuscripts for potential (self-)plagiarism.

6. With regard to research with humans or animals, Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada expects that research that draws from data generated from human informants (or from studies with animals, e.g. animal interaction and communication) has previously been approved by relevant ethics committees, such as Plataforma Brasil and local ethics committees, and that this research follows international ethical and legal best practices of research. We also assume that authors have respected informants’ rights to privacy and have obtained informed consent to publish their data before the editorial process.

7. With regard to freedom of expression, Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada follows Cambridge University’s view that “freedom of expression is critical to us as academic publishers, but we do not support publishing false statements that harm the reputation of individuals, groups, or organisations.” Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada understands that free speech in a democracy is limited by human rights and by the dignity of human groups. The journal in no way admits hate speech or other violent forms of language.

8. With regard to fraudulent research and research misconduct, Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada follows COPE’s concerns with the integrity of manuscripts and academic misconduct in authorship, reviewing or editorship:

Publishing norms

Articles submitted for evaluation must be sent electronically at the website, where the procedures for author registration and the remission of the corresponding article for evaluation will be specified. The author must fill in the complete form, including institution, city and country. All communication regarding the reviewing process of the article will be done online through the same system.


Only texts within the following word limit will be accepted:

1) Articles of up to 10 thousand words, including abstract and keywords, and titles and references.
2) Interviews of a maximum of 8 thousand words.
3) Reviews of a maximum of 6 thousand words of recently published books, which adhere to the stylistic requirements outlined in “publishing norms”.


1. Identification

a) The articles must be sent without any author identification. The Word file must also be anonymized.

b) When the article makes references to the author's own work - thus enabling its identification - the citations in the body of the text and in the References should come as in the following examples. Example: AUTHOR (2016); AUTHOR1; AUTHOR2 (2018), without any mention of titles of publications.

c) Book reviews must be accompanied by all the information needed to identify the book or the reference source (author, original title, translator, if any, edition, place, publisher, year of publication).

2. Text composition and formatting

a) Manuscripts must be submitted in Word doc or docx format.

b) A4 page format, times new roman font in size 12, single line spacing, paragraphs with 1.25 cm in the first line.

c) The title in the original language of the article should be in font size 14 and centralized. Its translation into English should come on the line below, with the same format. In the case of articles in English, Spanish, French or Italian, the title should be translated into Portuguese on the line below.

d) The abstract in the original language of the article should come two lines below the translated title. The word Abstract (or the equivalent word for ‘abstract’ in the original language of the article) must be in bold, without italics, without a period to follow. The text of the abstract should start one line below the word ‘Abstract’ and follow the norms of ABNT NBR 6028:2003: state the objective, methodology, results and conclusions of the article, concisely and in a single paragraph. The abstract should have at least 100 words and not exceed the limit of 250 words.

e) The word Keywords should come right below the abstract, followed by two points and three to five keywords, in lowercase letters, separated by semicolons, ending with a period.

f) For articles in languages other than English, right after the abstract and the keywords in the original language (two lines below), should come the Abstract and the Keywords in English, following the same formatting instructions. In the case of articles in English, the abstract and keywords should be followed by an abstract and keywords in Portuguese.

g) The titles of books within the text should be in italics; and that of journal articles, between quotation marks.

h) Emphasis in the text: in italics.

i) Illustrations, graphics and tables not produced by the author of the submitted text should have their source indicated, with the responsibility for the copyright being held by the author. For figures and images, the minimum quality should be 400 pixels.

j) Footnotes should be explanatory, that is, they should complement information in the text. They should not be used as bibliographic information notes.

3. References and quotations in the text

a) References to authors

References to authors should be made in the body of the text and be accompanied by the following information, as in the examples below:

1) Author's last name and year of publication in parentheses, when there is no textcitation.

Example: Gramsci (1977) thought it was essential to prioritize creativity over activity...

2) Surname of the author, with the year and the page in parentheses, in cases where there is textual citation.

Example: In this sense, according to Derrida (2002, p. 64), “translation promises a kingdom of reconciliation of languages”.

3) Author's last name in CAPITALS, followed by the year of publication, when the author's last name is in parentheses.

Example: A tradução passa a ser concebida como um ato de interpretação, sempre provisório, que exerce influências sobre o tradutor e que tem uma relação particular com cada língua (MITTMANN, 2003).

4) Do not use: idem or idem, ibidem.

b) Quotes

Quotes with up to three lines remain in the text, highlighted only by quotes and without italics.

Quotations of more than three lines should come WITHOUT QUOTATION MARKS, without italics, highlighted in the proper paragraph, in "single" space, font size 11, indented three centimeters from both left and right margins of the text and separated from the paragraphs above by an extra line.

d) References

Three lines below the end of the text, type: References (which include bibliographic and electronic references).
1) Last names - of all authors cited in the text should come in this section listed in alphabetical order, in uppercase, followed by the first letters or full names (keep the chosen pattern), as in the example:

KLEIMAN, A. B. (date).

KLEIMAN, Angela Bustos. (date).

SIGNORINI, I. (date).

SIGNORINI, Inês. (date).

If there is more than one bibliographical reference of the same author in the References, repeat the name. Do not use continuous line in repeated authorships.
2) Year of the original version – should come in parentheses, right after the author's last name. Example:

CAVALCANTI, M. C. (1986). A propósito da Linguística Aplicada. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, v. 7, n. 2, p. 5-12.

3) Year of the translated/consulted version – should come at the end of the reference, without parentheses. Example:

FREUD, S. (1900). A Interpretação dos Sonhos. Obras completas, v. 4. Tradução de Paulo César de Souza. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2019.

4) References to books - Title of the work in italics, followed by the name of the translator, if any, name of the city, followed by a colon, name of the publisher and volume number. Example:

MOITA LOPES, L. P. (2006). Por uma linguística aplicada indisciplinar. São Paulo: Parábola.

5) References in book chapters - round title (without highlight), followed by the title of the work in which the chapter is inserted in italics, preceded by In, with two points. Example:

LIENHARD, M. (1995). La Percepción de las practicas "textuales" ameríndias. Apuntes for an interdisciplinary debate. In: Pizarro, A. (org.), Latin America: palabra, literatura y cultura. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, v. III, p. 169-185.

6) References to journal articles - title of the article in round, followed by the name of the journal in italics, number of the journal and the pages consulted. Example:

XAVIER, R.P.; URIO, E.D.W. (2006). O professor e o livro didático: Que relação é essa? Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada. v. 45, n. 1, p. 29-54.

7) References to dissertations and theses – title in italics, followed by the other information, according to the example:

MAHER, T. J. M. (1996). Ser professor sendo índio: questões de linguagem e identidade. Tese de Doutorado em Linguística Aplicada. Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Unicamp, Campinas.

8) Reference to electronic source – please provide the publication’s title, outlet (newspaper, magazine, blog), date (if available) and search information. Examples:

BLOMMAERT, J. (2020) Looking back: What was important. CTRL+ALT+DEM. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2020.

CESARINO, L. (2019) On Digital Populism in Brazil. PoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review, 15 abr. 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2020.

ROQUE, T. (2018) Por causa de robôs, ideia de renda básica universal ganha mais adeptos. Folha de S. Paulo, 17 fev. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2020

9) Reference to papers presented in events (conference, congress, meeting, seminar, etc.): inform the title and other data of the work. Example:

ANCHIMBE, E. (2019) Postcolonial pragmatics and the discourses of the margins. In: 16th International Pragmatics Conference. Abstracts. Disponível em: Acesso: 27 jul. 2020.

ASSIS, S.N.L. de; ASSIS, R.E. de. (2003). Livro didático: Yes, Sir! In: V Seminário de Línguas Estrangeiras: a formação do professor de línguas estrangeiras. Anais... Goiânia: Editora Vieira, p. 312-319.

IMPORTANT NOTE: failure to comply with the Publication Standards implies non-acceptance of the submitted article.

Sending of manuscripts

The submission is done exclusively online, from the following address:, which contains all the necessary information for submission.


Política padrão de seção

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.